Provide information in languages appropriate to the affected communities. We demand an end to the militarization of our schools. Among non-gun owners who are open to the possibility of owning a gun in the future, 51% favor stricter gun laws. Prevent homelessness before it occurs by addressing its structural causes, through raising the income floor under the working poor, creating living-wage jobs, providing job training and education that will enable low-wage workers to obtain living-wage jobs, preserving and expanding affordable housing, providing affordable health care, ensuring sufficient mental health care and substance abuse services, availability of healthy food and providing effective, holistic assistance that connects vulnerable individuals with sources of income and essential services. Undocumented immigrants boost Americas economic growth and raise the general productivity of American workers by providing much-needed skills. We must take an uncompromising position that the care and nurture of children, elders and the disabled are essential to a healthy, peaceful, and sustainable society. The Green Party recognizes the full civil rights of sexual and gender minorities. Incorporate mental health and social services in bail agreements. Laws to oppress immigrants have been proposed by states, Congress, and numerous administrations. There are over 10,200 forms, hundreds of immigration statuses, hefty annual renewal fees, and varying steps immigrants must take to start the process for their specific situation. All DACA and TPS recipients must be immediately granted a pathway to citizenship. All human beings have the right to a life that will let them achieve their full potential. Focus on education through a general immersion in nature to understand, hands-on, the intricate dependence of humanity upon the natural world. Close the Private Gun Sale Loophole, Finally. Eliminate gross inequalities in school funding. Support Farm-to-School programs that provide food from local family farms and educational opportunities. It is clear that we cannot rely on the rich to regulate their profit-making excesses for the good of society through "trickle-down economics." ASVAB testing is being used to mine public school student bodies for data to support military recruiting. Encourage and support positive approaches to punishment that build hope, responsibility and a sense of belonging. The Green Party urges the U.S. to open dialogs and visit with Sweden as a step toward introducing legislation in the U.S. Congress to address the exploitation, violence and harm to women through prostitution. Overall, 52% of Americans say gun laws should be stricter than they are today, while nearly as many say they are about right (30%) or should be less strict than they are today (18%). Reduce wait lists and make the system work more efficiently: current numeric caps on immigrant visas must be increased. Ending religiously based curricula in government-funded public schools. This weekends violence follows on the heels of a shooting in Gilroy, California, which left 3 people dead and 13 wounded. Our goal is for the many diverse immigrant communities to possess true freedom and equality. We recognize that this would be impractical without reciprocity between nations. Increase teacher training in regard to the needs of differently abled students. Federal policy on education should act principally to provide equal access to a quality education. We demand an immediate end to policies designed to force undocumented border-crossers into areas where conditions dramatically increase the risk of permanent injury or death, destruction of fragile environments, and the cutting off of corridors needed by wildlife for migration within their habitat. The Green Party does not currently have gun control as a major issue, but lists support for gun control in the general "Criminal Justice Reform" section of its platform. Rural residents are generally more skeptical of proposals to toughen gun laws than are people who live in suburban and urban areas. The Green Party calls for new U.S. legislation relating to prostitution modeled on the Swedish law passed in 1999, now adopted by other countries and being considered by more, that has drastically reduced human trafficking and prostitution in Sweden. Legislate full funding for worker safety programs at both the state and federal levels. programs. Those convicted of non-violent offenses should be handled by alternative, community-based programs including halfway houses, work-furlough, community service, electronic monitoring, restitution, and rehabilitation programs. But when interaction with the government is limited to the English speaking, persons are put at additional risk of exploitation. Legalize possession, sale, and cultivation of cannabis/marijuana. Increase compensation for jurors and provide childcare for those serving jury duty. We call for implementation of family planning education for both genders in all levels of the state school system. Many times applications are denied because the applicant submitted forms for the incorrect category and cause them to lose all filing fees paid up to that point (no refunds.) Those who said most, but not all, types of guns should be legally available were asked to share, in their own words, What are some of the types of guns you think should not be legally available to buy? These respondents frequently mentioned military-style weapons though definitions of what constitutes military style differed considerably. Provide access to education, addiction and psychological treatment, job training, work and housing upon their release. Economists estimate that legalization of the undocumented immigrant population would increase the immigrants earnings and consumption considerably, and increase U.S. gross domestic product. Economists estimate that legalization of the undocumented immigrant population would increase the immigrants earnings and consumption considerably, and increase U.S. gross domestic product. Develop culturally-sensitive menus and provide opportunities for parents to assist in meal preparation. Millions of immigrants and supporters of justice for immigrants have marched in the streets. Politicians have constantly stirred up anti-immigrant sentiment among sections of the U.S. population. Revive the President's Fair Housing Council to coordinate federal activities across agencies to support fair housing. Housing discrimination also remains rampant against people of color, immigrants, disabled, single people, gays and lesbians, and families with children. With the increasing conflation of trafficking (the violent and illegal trafficking in women and girls for forced sex) with prostitution, it is impossible to know which is which, and what violence the term "sex work" is masking. The Green Party views learning as a lifelong and life-affirming process to which all people should have access. The Green Party strives for a world in which persons can freely choose to live in and work in any country they desire. Greens oppose "English-only" legislation. For More InformationMassacre at a Crowded Walmart in Texas Leaves 20 DeadRomero, Simon; Manny Fernandez, Mariel Padilla. We believe local decision-making is important, but we realize, as we learned during the civil rights era, that strict federal standards must guide state actions in providing basic protections. Treat substance abuse as a medical problem, not a criminal problem. Consider forms of restitution to victims. Require stringent Eco-Labeling requirements which show the environmental impacts associated with the production or use of a product. This may include land use, water use, waste byproducts, emissions, and more. We call for solutions to this enormous problem that can result in awareness and the introduction of legislation in the U.S. Congress to address it. Millions of immigrants and supporters of justice for immigrants have marched in the streets. The establishment of non-profit public forums for local artists to display their talents and creations. We call for an end to the racist rhetoric that results in acts of violence against our fellow human beings., Gun violence has become a national emergency in the United States, said GPUS co-chair Trahern Crews. One of our key values is respect for diversity. We must stand up for community members who have been excluded, oppressed, and maltreated and for people who have been subjected to multiple systems of oppression and exclusion. Feelings of isolation and helplessness are common in America today. Gun owners are more likely than non-gun owners to say they have ever contacted public officials to express their opinion on gun policy: 21% of owners say they have done this, including 9% who say they did so in the past 12 months, while only 12% of non-owners say they have ever done this. Jill Stein, a prominent Green Party leader believes in gun regulations to stop mass shootings. We call for restoration of a federally funded entitlement program to support children, families, the unemployed, elderly and disabled, with no time limit on benefits. No longer would people have to worry about the prospect of financial ruin if they become seriously ill, are laid off their jobs, or are injured in an accident. Increase employment for homeless people. To ensure a livable income for all people, we support additional measures such as implementing a universal basic income [see Chapter IV, Section D, of this platform for more information]. The U.S. needs a complete overhaul of its immigration laws, procedures, and programs. Just a third of gun owners and only 12% of non-gun owners support allowing people to carry guns without a permit. Enact a universal, comprehensive, national single-payer health plan that will provide the following with no increase in cost: The Green Party calls for comprehensive, humane, and competent care of all people with HIV/AIDS. There is broad support among gun owners and non-gun owners in both parties for the bans on gun sales to the mentally ill and people on no-fly or watch lists, as well as for background checks on private gun sales. We do not believe our public school system, as it presently operates, helps us reach that goal. Flexible working schedules so employees can arrange their own time to deal with personal and family concerns. Such support must not be given grudgingly; it is the right of those presently in need and an investment in our future. A larger share of Republican gun owners support each of the proposals to loosen gun laws than any other group. Young people should be kept free from coercive advertising at their educational institutions. Ensure the opportunity for victims to make victim-impact statements. We support day-care service offered at every workplace when feasible, or reasonably near-by when not feasible at the workplace. We urge renewed efforts and campaigns to ratify the ERA. Artists can create in ways that foster healthy, non-alienating relationships between people and their daily environments, communities, and the Earth. Of the millions of humans trafficked worldwide, the large majority are women and children who are bought and sold as slaves. Other proposals are much more divisive. When funds are spent in other areas, immigrants are being deprived of benefits that they earn as productive workers in their communities. Persons should only be excluded if their background check presents a clear and present danger. Roll Call, Mar. Since the beginning of what we call civilization, when men's dominance over women was firmly established, until the present day, our history has been marred with oppression of and brutality to women. In addition, we demand a recognition of past, uncredited payments into Social Security as part of any fees assessed for regularization of status. Build education programs based on autochthonous skills, crafts, art, music, permaculture, and history. We endorse women's right to use contraception and, when they choose, to have an abortion. Recognize the viable alternative of home-based education and support working-class parents who wish to offer it to their children. priority for the majority party. The negative effects of imprisonment are far-reaching. And as union membership falls, so do the wages of all working people, union and non-union alike. A holistic, future-focused perspective on how we distribute resources in this country would consider the effects of such distribution not just on our present needs, but on the seventh generation to come. Support policies to encourage citizens, taxpayers, ratepayers and consumers to form Citizens Utility Boards to advocate for the public interest. We condemn the stance of secrecy taken by the Atomic Energy Commission during this era and its subsequent claim of government immunity, taken knowingly and immorally at the expense of Native people. Full funding to ensure broad access to Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) programs, which have been proven by researchers to minimize transmission of HIV and reduce public health costs by preventing the need for expensive, lifelong HIV treatment regimens. The existing civil rights act prohibits discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, and disability. This will further intensify the human rights disaster our immigration policy has become, as well as seriously harm border ecosystems. Large majorities in both parties favor preventing the mentally ill from buying guns (89% each), background checks for private gun sales and gun shows (90% of Democrats, 77% of Republicans), and barring people on federal watch lists from buying guns (85% of Democrats, 82% of Republicans). Meanwhile, courts, social service agencies, and all government agencies dealing with the public must provide trained and certified translators. The Green Party supports equal access to high-quality education, and sharp increases in financial aid for college students. The Green Party unequivocally supports a woman's right to reproductive choice, no matter her marital status or age, and that contraception and safe, legal abortion procedures be available on demand and be included in all health insurance coverage in the U.S., as well as free of charge in any state where a woman's income falls below the poverty level. Fund in-home support services to allow the differently abled to hire personal care attendants while remaining at home. The Green Party in New York as well as nationally, has long advocated for stricter gun control laws while highlighting the need to address a wider scope of issues such as lack of access to mental health services, income inequality and discrimination based on race, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation. Proposals for easing gun laws draw much less support. Provide counseling and other services to the members of a parolee's family, to help them with the changes caused by the parolee's return. Green Party on Crime Party Platform Ban private prisons; moratorium on prison construction Ban private prisons. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax Our civil liberties of privacy and free speech are impaired by the excesses of the USA PATRIOT Act and kindred new laws that use a national tragedy (the attacks on September 11, 2001) as an excuse to impose ubiquitous surveillance and control over citizens. On several issues, there are wide differences between Republican and Democratic gun owners and even larger differences between members of both parties who do not own guns. Target precautionary and corrective justice actions and resources in communities with the highest concentrations of environmental hazards and in communities lacking socioeconomic resources. We support the just settlement of the claims of the thousands of Native American uranium miners who have suffered and died from radiation exposure. With the extreme pay inequity, single mothers cannot afford child care, nurture their children, and move out of poverty. Green Party leaders are calling for Congress to take swift and decisive action following an horrific mass shooting on August 3 at the Cielo Vista Mall Walmart location in El Paso, Texas, that has left at least 20 dead and dozens injured; and an early morning shooting on August 4 in a Dayton, Ohio, entertainment district that left 9 people dead and 16 wounded.. Eliminate the gun show loophole that permits sale of weapons without background checks. Restore the right to hold public office to felons who have completed their prison sentence. Partisanship and gun ownership are factors in views of gun policies Partisan views on gun policy proposals fall along similar lines as the opinions of gun owners and non-gun owners. We support the release of all political prisoners held by the USA. We must recognize that there cannot be any true solutions to the conflicts created by immigration until we are able to organize globally to overcome the power of multinational corporations, which are engaged in an unending campaign to drive down workers living standards everywhere. Our current health care system lets tens of thousands of people die each year by excluding them from adequate care, while its exorbitant costs are crippling our economy. Even fewer Americans support shortening waiting periods for buying guns legally (36%). There is documented evidence that the economic and social status of women is a primary factor in birthrates when women have control over their lives, birthrates decrease. INHUMANE TREATMENT OF IMMIGRANTSImmigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), local police, and for-profit/private prison corporations such as GEO Group and CoreCivic have taken advantage of the increase in anti-immigrant legislation and created a symbiotic relationship. The federal minimum wage for all workers should be indexed to inflation and adjusted regularly to ensure all workers nationwide continue to receive a living wage. Abolish all student and parent loans taken out to finance post-secondary and vocational education. Today, however, our country is among the most extreme examples of industrialized nations that have a widening gap between the wealthy and the rest of its citizenry the working poor, the struggling middle class, and those who increasingly cannot make ends meet. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), local police, and for-profit/private prison corporations such as GEO Group and CoreCivic have taken advantage of the increase in anti-immigrant legislation and created a symbiotic relationship.
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